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By February 4, 2018No Comments

Do you ever think about it?

Why do some things in particular happen in life?
Why do some people find themselves in certain situations and others do not? There are moments where you are about to touch your dream, grab it for one evening.

Then you wake up in your bed with your fears that in the end are fears of many people and the biggest "fear of the Future".

The life of an artist nowadays is not easy at all, but I have always had the good fortune to find myself one step ahead of some people.

My first fortune was born in a family of musicians, many things I had always at hand as the opportunity to record the first demos in the family studio

I had the great fortune to find a person who believes in my music and invests on it.

Meet Simona, this was one of those things you say to yourself "but is it really happening to me?"

I found myself living to realize many dreams with and thanks to her:

  • Record 2 records (of the second I'll have much to tell)
  • Playing in a theater all full
  • Touring around Italy playing my songs
  • Get to play in London, Dublin, United States
  • Open ELISA's Concert
  • Playing in a sports hall, at the Greek Theatre in Taormina.
  • Play and record with crazy musicians my idols.

I happen to find myself in unexplained situations, being in a small room with Bruce Springsteen and Patti (his wife) who starts asking me questions about my music, and then realize that in the same room there is also Cindy Lauper.

Find myself in front of my favorite drummer Steve Jordan who also gives me a ticket to review the concert of my favorite musician John Mayer, meet John himself.

So many things to tell and deepen. Obviously not everything in my life is beautiful or I always go well, I always say that I think too much and it is true I have a soul a little ' tormented, many "complex".

I create problems for everything I don't know or do, in my normal life I never leave completely go and sometimes I can seem that I am not, in my head there is a world and that's why I make music.

Music is a medicine for those who can get into their lives in any form.

People who love music are special.

I write songs to tell my inner world, and I never feel alone with music because as I said before my thoughts my fears are of many people, and so it is like a way to console everyone together because many identify themselves in the stories or semplicemen You music, only she just makes you feel good.

I personally consider the most important music of the lyrics even if when you have music and lirycs that get married very well is done.

I don't know, maybe because I'm a musician, listening to music without lyrics completely makes me travel and it's almost a spiritual thing to me. I happen for example when I listen to my Foolish heart by Bill Evans.

When I think of all these experiences, I feel very fortunate, even if I have my "complexes" I keep going forward because I think that tenacity and constancy always pay.

When I face something new I give myself strength thinking "I'm here for a reason."

Growing and living I realize that it is all a wheel that turns, the world turns and sends great or not great opportunities but we all have hopes in life and what feeds everything is love, emotions and above all be always yourself and sincere, we are the ones who have everything to the hands.

"I believe, that my life's going to see, the love I give Return to me – JM Wheel" and with all this, I want to inaugurate my new site and a series of mini stories that will be published here where I'll tell my experiences in more depth (those in America , my new album) or I will simply tell my thoughts and talk about music.

I need to communicate with those who would follow what I do and my music.



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